sticking points

美 [ˈstɪkɪŋ pɔɪnts]英 [ˈstɪkɪŋ pɔɪnts]
  • n.症结;分歧点
  • sticking point的复数
sticking pointssticking points

sticking points


  • 1
    N-COUNT (讨论或谈判中的)僵持点,障碍;(问题的)症结
    A sticking point in a discussion or series of negotiations is a point on which the people involved cannot agree and which may delay or stop the talks. A sticking point is also one aspect of a problem which you have trouble dealing with.

    The main sticking point was the question of taxes.


  1. Health care is one of the main sticking points .


  2. But most of Chinese enterprises of stone generally have many sticking points on marketing .


  3. This was one of the major sticking points in the negotiations .


  4. Sticking Points of Fundamental Policies for the Farmland Issue in China


  5. Private enterprises ' sticking points & solving scheme


  6. Load sensing is one of the three sticking points for the implementation of load scheduling .


  7. Image processing and result-computing algorithm are the sticking points of the system .


  8. Many old sticking points remain .


  9. Besides the separation of online and offline , there are two other sticking points .


  10. Opening the automotive and agricultural markets have been sticking points in previous sessions .


  11. One of the big sticking points is whether there should be binding targets to reduce emissions .


  12. Expanding the Connotation of Policing Superintendence on Basis of Sticking Points


  13. Among other sticking points , the two sides disagreed about how to allocate players ' pay .


  14. The judgment and analysis of the administrative system of the two are focused , and the existing problems and sticking points are found out .


  15. Architects can say whether it is possible to deliver the solution requested and present alternatives for getting around technical sticking points .


  16. Furthermore , the sticking points of the key techniques in millimeter wave active jamming design are introduced , and the solutions are also proposed .


  17. One of the key sticking points is what role religion should play in the countries new laws , with implications for the rights of women .


  18. The matter of Israeli settlements in the West Bank is one of the key sticking points in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict .


  19. The thesis mostly discusses the sticking points and reasons of the imbalance of New Musics innovative results and audiences aesthetic demands .


  20. Therefore author try hard to grasp the sticking points , outline a multi-dimensional strategic framework of credit financing for Hi-tech SMEs .


  21. Based on such understanding and stating , this article makes a basic analysis of various problems , challenges , sticking points and solvents in contemporary development .


  22. The presence of Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories is one of the main sticking points in peace negotiations .


  23. To get the overall information of the field , the self-localization of autonomous soccer robot is one of sticking points and must be solved .


  24. Since operation in the condition of high temperature and radiation as well as supercritical water , the core material is one of the sticking points of SCWR .


  25. That very same feature was said to be one of the main sticking points in negotiations between the two companies that led to Apple creating its own mapping software .


  26. What 's more , the introduction of technology , the innovation of ways of production , and Japan style management are three sticking points in the development of Japan World Factory .


  27. He said the teams had covered a number of issues but declined to go into detail about any sticking points such as the issue of nuclear enrichment .


  28. Key sticking points in the gas talks have been how to calculate the size of Ukraine 's debt and how quickly it should be repaid .


  29. It concludes with brief notes on " hot topics and sticking points " such as forest protection , intellectual property rights , fossil fuels and finance .


  30. To build smart grid , online fault current detection of electric transport devises and high precision fault diagnoses are sticking points in keeping the electric equipments operating effectively .
